Friday, September 01, 2006

My Locust Mind

Yes, I do have the brain of a locust, but I'm actually referring to the miracle that I've actually read this summer. My brain's gobbling up words, locust-like. (It usually leaves a snail-trail across a new book every two to three months.)
I'm going to list them, for your amazement and my own:
This Book Will Save Your Life
The Life of Pi
Ten Big Ones, Janet Evanovich
The Enormous Room, ee cummings
Sailing Alone Around the Room, Billy Collins
Stargirl, Jerry Spinelli
On the Road, Jack Kerouac
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, E. Fitzgerald
Falling Up, Shel Silverstein
Scarlet Feather, Maeve Binchy
The Devil Wears Prada, Lauren Weisberger
The Irresistable Revolution, Shane Claiborne
Everyone Worth Knowing, Lauren Weisberger
Adverbs, Daniel Handler
Driving Mr. Albert, Michael Paterniti


Bryan Edds said...

Heya, this is Bryan. I hope I found the right blog... Ent Hugger?

After we met on Monday at Bailey's (?) I sat down and wrote up a really good post that I thought you might enjoy. It's basically what I would have said in response to the discussion if I were able to speak as poignantly as I write (which is never the case :).

Anywho, check it out and leave a comment if you have time -

Bryan Edds said...

Hey, do any of these books feature individualism as a theme?

I don't read much fiction. What little reading I do involves either e-books on Austrian Economics, or publications on,, and That and programming and software design.

Exciting, I know :/

Anonymous said...

These are species that can breed rapidly under suitable conditions and subsequently become gregarious and migratory.

Tangeline said...

I think all real art is individualism. :) (Even if the writers, birdlike, build their nests with found things.)
Are you referring to a particular type of Individualism? If it's a general definition, I like the Life of Pi hero's way of coming to personal conclusions (like, he enjoyed tenants of three major religions, and didn't know he was supposed to love one and absolutely hate the others).

Cindy said...

Wow, I think I've only heard of one, maybe two of those books! Books that I have read lately have to do with nutrition/health and green building (cob, underground, straw-bale), just to give you a glimpse into my life. :) Oh, and I also have read a couple of books recently about churchianity (a term a friend of mine made up) as we are seeking to find a good home church and get away from buildings. They can really be a burden for many reasons!