Wednesday, February 27, 2008

More music

This is astonishing. I usually buy a CD and listen to it for the next year, or years. That one album.

Since I've worked in a kitchen w/out a good radio, though, and put all my CDs in one of those travel books, I'm musically insatiable. The Juno soundtrack, infected me with Belle and Sebastian, leading to Dear Catastrophe Waitress and Sinister. I am also smitten with notion of "anti-folk." (Was any of the folky, girl-power 90s anti-folk?)

From a friend's Raising Sand (Allison Krauss and Robert Plant), I am on the brink of pursuing a 4th-grade music education by checking out some Led Zeppelin. I am full of musical ponderings! Did Robert Plant make rock ... "epic?" You mean, there was a time when epic wasn't a given? (Maybe! I hear he influenced some fave 80s rockers I lovingly consider kind of ...
mock epic.) And, on a side note, did Freddie Mercury launch the trend of melodious, almost-operatic gay-men-in-pop? Hm. These are the questions that drive me. These are the things that I must know.


Anonymous said...

I've recently begun buying actual albums again (as opposed to purchasing them on iTunes). Perhaps it's something about the experience of browsing through record stores in Scotland (where, surprisingly, vinyl records are still also sold). I think it's mainly the tactile feeling of the liner notes paper.

One of my coursemates just wrote a paper on mix-tapes and another has a fabulous collection of cassettes from the past years. I think it's a reaction against the sterility of "completely" digital music. (Having said that, I'm very grateful for an iPod on the 50 minute walk to school!)

Anonymous said...

ha, I showed my kids a vinyl record in a junk shop and we all stared at it with a sort of awed look.

Anonymous said...

Raising Sand is AMAZING. ;)