Tuesday, July 29, 2008

improv team names

The Upright Citizen's Brigade is having a Del Close Marathon Aug. 8 to 10 with non-stop improv on about 10,000 stages (teams scheduled for 4:15 A.m., the next team at 4:45, etc.)

So, I have this 4-page, 8 1/2 x 11" flyer of solid team names, and I need to list my 20 favorites:

The Ninjas, Blue Shampoo, Whorenado, Mailer Daemon, Gift of the Wild, Afternoon Delight, Suspicious of Whistlers, Big in Japan, I Eat Pandas, Last Day of School, Shark Attack!, Quiet Monkey Fight, The Sickest F***ing Stories I Ever Heard, Strippers' Picnic, Imaginary Friends, Bedtime Stories for Kidnapped Children, Matador Now!, Super Yum Yum 2, Mr. Licorice, and Brian's Epic Tan.


Unknown said...

You think you could email me that story you wrote about the rat and the roach?? prater.jeffrey@gmail.com
I wanted to share it with a friend of mine. I really enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

What were the top twenty teams that you saw?