Thursday, May 25, 2006

Extra! Extra!

Newsflashes! (With apologies to The Onion.)

Local man shaves head, gets tattoo, becomes big teddy bear. (Before photo: distruntled middle-aged man, comb-over, polo shirt. After: goofy grin.)

Local woman believes this the best Pop-Tart she's ever eaten. (Photo: a Pop-Tart.)

Taxi-driving baritone has just the sound U2 missing in "One." ("I know Bono will overhear me one day, singing my amazing harmony," said Patrick Walsh, 45, alone in his cab.)


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see a response to your post that uses the word "excoriate" in quotes?

No, I can't.

Anonymous said...

My memories of Pop-Tarts are all quite similar. Actually, I believe that's why I ate them...for the utter sameness of expression. I have not had a Pop-Tart in some time. Must seek them out (wonder if Pop-Tarts here in Europe differ from Pop-Tarts stateside). Has there been a world congress of Pop-Tart lovers? Considering the linguistic connotations, are Pop-Tarts called something else in England?

Anonymous said...

mr. nicholas, I did research on your questions, but that just involved looking at precisely one website.

my favorite quotes from it are:

"negligently manufactured flammable Pop-Tarts"


"keen scientific interest in combustible breakfast foods"

And maybe it is just a measure of my mind, but shouldn't some marketing genius have scrapped the name of this Hostess cake? I mean there are some probable subject/verb combos using this name that just don't sound right. I mean they sound downright wrong.

Yup. I guess it is just me.

Anonymous said...

Pop tart ... heh heh.

Made me laugh.