Ask your doctor if prescription strength Tangeline is right for you.
(Use caution when driving, operating machinery, or performing other hazardous activities. Tangline will cause drowsiness and may cause dizziness. If you experience drowsiness or dizziness, avoid these activities or write anagrams instead. Tangeline should be taken just before bedtime. You may experience some carryover effects the next day.
Do not drink alcohol while taking Tangeline (or no more than seven cups of tea or Turkish coffee) Alcohol will increase drowsiness and may increase dizziness while you are taking Tangeline, which could be dangerous, especially if you have a twisted sense of humour.
Do not stop taking Tangeline suddenly if you have been taking it for more than 1 or 2 weeks. This may cause withdrawal symptoms such as unabated silliness, the condition known as hot-dog fingers, elderly pregnancy, toothpaste mucous, the Mexican revenge digestive disorder, or make you seriously uncomfortable. Talk to your doctor if you need to stop treatment with Tangeline or move to Canada.
Why, when I read these posts, do I feel like I've just taken some sort of narcotic?
Heavy, but somehow thin?
Ubiquitous Siamese?
Narcotics? Or medications such as ... Ambien? Lunesta?
I'd offer advice,
but I can't phrase it all in
just seventeen beats.
Ask your doctor if prescription strength Tangeline is right for you.
(Use caution when driving, operating machinery, or performing other hazardous activities. Tangline will cause drowsiness and may cause dizziness. If you experience drowsiness or dizziness, avoid these activities or write anagrams instead. Tangeline should be taken just before bedtime. You may experience some carryover effects the next day.
Do not drink alcohol while taking Tangeline (or no more than seven cups of tea or Turkish coffee) Alcohol will increase drowsiness and may increase dizziness while you are taking Tangeline, which could be dangerous, especially if you have a twisted sense of humour.
Do not stop taking Tangeline suddenly if you have been taking it for more than 1 or 2 weeks. This may cause withdrawal symptoms such as unabated silliness, the condition known as hot-dog fingers, elderly pregnancy, toothpaste mucous, the Mexican revenge digestive disorder, or make you seriously uncomfortable. Talk to your doctor if you need to stop treatment with Tangeline or move to Canada.
So, I'm confused. Are or are not jealousy and hallucinogenic siamese side-effects of prescription strength Tangeline?
I like these commenters. Weird, but interesting. :)
I'm allergic to cats but Siamese are really cute.
Siamese cats are really beautiful. I'm allergic.
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