Thursday, February 15, 2007

snip snip

I'm getting my hair cut in exactly 30 minutes!


Anonymous said...

Please don't keep us in suspense; what happened?

Tangeline said...

Norma tossed the cape wide, unfurling around my neck. I flinched at the twin blades! Snip, snip, snip, showers of fine whiskery slips of hair falling, falling down around my loafered feet. Three inches off all around! Choppy layers, and stripes of red.

Anonymous said...

I also got a haircut this week; no stripes of red (just grey now over a big portion of my head).

I also started shaving with a traditional double-edged razor this week. Blows Gilette out of the water!

Cindy said...

Stripes of red? Girl, I've got to see pictures! :)