Thursday, January 25, 2007

I Deserved That

Hey, Christian folks -- read this blog. For one, I love the writing. Which makes the ripping-out of my guts all the more horrible. Don't read to agree or disagree -- just learn.
I wish the only thing he had to say about Christians was, "There was this guy at work who spent all Saturday helping me move."


Emily said...

I just wanted to tell you that I made my own blog! Check it out if you want. Its about knitting so you might not want to :)
Oh, and I read that guys blog and it made me sad. I think relating Jesus and God to Santa is a little far fetched but whatever. . . .

Cindy said...

I don't think that is a great analogy, though he may have gotten his point across, but I do think it is sad that he has been so misled and mistreated by Christians, apparently. What was really sad to me though was all the comments that were left in agreement with the guy. Christians are so misunderstood, even though there are some out there setting a bad example. It really ticks me off though when "everyone" says that Christians are not tolerant when they are doing the exact same thing to us! BUT we need to step up to the plate and do the right thing, even if they are the ones in the wrong. They don't see it, and we have the love they need, so we have to be the "bigger man" and show them God's love, over and over and over and over and over again!

Cindy said...

I'm sitting here thinking more about this and have to comment further. LOL!

I understand why non-Christians, especially athiests, feel the way they do toward Christians, but then we are expected to turn the other cheek; if we don't, we're not a "good Christian", if we do, we're sissies who believe in a bunch of nonsense. We lose either way. It seems to be that way in a lot of respects.

If I were speaking directly to this guy, I would probably ask him why he has such harsh feelings toward Christians, his history involving any kind of religion, etc. and I would sincerely have sympothy toward him for whatever those reasons may be. However, here I'm just going to vent. LOL!

I know "life isn't fair" and we should "turn the other cheek", but I just get so tired of being generalized as some "religious nut" who unconsiously believes the Bible (or what the pastor tells me the Bible says), no questions asked. They just don't understand that it's more than black and white (and red) words. It's a personal relationship. Christ Jesus is real, and until you seek him out and experience him for yourself, leave me alone! I'll love you, I'll pray for you, I'll answer any questions you ask, but I won't continue to argue if you're not going to be respectful and listen!

Okay, sorry Sara. I just had to get that off my chest. I'm sure I'll think of a million more things to say once I hit the publish button, but I'll stop here. :)

Cindy said...

Okay, one last comment on your title. :)

No, you don't deserve that! Maybe we need to be reminded from time to time how others perceive us, but no one deserves to be treated with so much disrespect. No one.

Tangeline said...

Hey -- I just think lots of Christians forget the bare basics of relating to the world. God makes Truth "ring true" in our hearts, but He uses us to "gently instruct" (Timothy) the truth, and to show truth with our love for one another. God's goodness calls us to repentance, but lots of times, we don't that goodness to the world. The basics.
All the Christianity-influenced politics and combative "defense of the Word!" need to take a back seat to the basics. That's what I'm guilty of.
Folks are free to think any wild thing imaginable. It's just sad that this guy's been "touched" by Christianity, but not by love.

Cindy said...

Yeah, I agree. I definitely get what you're saying. A good friend of mine made up the word "churchianity", which really sums it all up. It has become a religion in our western culture, and that IS very sad. I am truly saddened that this guy and so many others misunderstand what REAL Christianity is supposed to be like, but he was also being very disrespectful, and I just can't stand that! LOL! But he doesn't really care either, so what's the point in getting upset?